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Streaming Setting

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» Setting for Airtel :-Airtel users use this streaming setting 1.Apn - airtelgprs.com 2.Proxy - disable Udp 3.port - low-6970 High-32000 and then activate this setting !
» Setting for BSNL :- Bsnl users use this streaming setting 1.Apn - gprseast.cellone.in 2.Proxy - disable Udp 3.port - low-6970 High-32000 and then activate this setting
» Setting for Reliance :- Reliance users use this streaming setting 1.Apn - rcomwap or Apn - rcommms 2.Proxy-disable Udp 3. port- low-6970 High-32000 and then activate this setting
» Setting for S40 :- For s40 Mobile Go to 1.Setting 2.configaration setting 3.personal configration setting then Add new My streaming Now put theys given below setting 4. Apn - airtelgprs.com&udp 5.port - max-32000 min -06970 6.proxy disable in all realplayer or default seeting now back and select my streaming that you made
» Setting for S60 :-use mobile office default setting in real player 1.Go to real player- setting then follow given below setting 1.Apn-airtelgprs.com&Udp 2.Port max-32000& Min-06970 3.proxy disable in all real player or default setting Then select advanced setting from options and set as below 4.gprs bandwidth - 37.52kbps/40.2/53.6kbps 5.Egprs - Bandwidth-84.42kbps/125.16kbps/178k bps . . . . .

